I needed to do something super random to jump start my week. While crafting was not originally on the list, it was the first thing that came to mind.
After a quick, hour-long trip to Michael's, I had my supplies. A note on Michael's, that place can suck you in! Have you ever walked every aisle. I can officially say I have. Duff from Charm City Cakes has his own fondant and baking line. Even Paula Deen has a party supply line complete with a "Ya'll" and "More Butter" phrases printed on cupcake liners. I wonder if those cupcakes come with a side of diabetes? I was in Crappy Crafty overload and totally had to resist buying it all.
Thankfully, I didn't.
Back to my Martha-moment . . . Here she is, my one and only creation. Who knows, I might just do it again. I love a headband and not because of Blair. XOXO, I know too much about Gossip Girl.