Friday, April 25, 2014

Freckles are Delish!

Full disclosure, I love me some lemonade like I love a red head with freckles.  And to be clear, that is a LOT.  (Total redhead envy over here.  Insane jealousy.)

And yes, there is a super embarrassing story from my childhood involving a bad day, hypoglycemic fit and a restaurant JUST running out of it at the table next to ours.  Tears ensued.  I'm not proud of the emotional breakdown in which this delicious, summery beverage was literally the straw that broke the camel's back but my love of it remains the same.

Sadly, my awareness of sugar's harmful side effects and overall health require me to pay a little more attention than I did, say 20 years ago.  I'm always trying to find little ways to eliminate excessive sugar from the things I love.  (And just to be clear, my definition of excessive means when not in the form of cocktails or delicious desserts.)

Low and behold, I present Light Freckled Lemonade.  Less than 100 calories in the pitcher and still full of taste.

* Two 12oz cans of Zevia Lemon Lime Twist
* Two cups of water
* Lemon juice from 3-4 lemons OR 1/4-1/2 cup lemon juice - decide how sour you like it
* 1/2 cup strawberries, pureed

* Mix it all together, over ice, enjoy! 

A Breath

I'm back.  No seriously.  This time, it's for reals.

The last year has been absolutely bonkers.  I knew parenthood would be intense but rocking my job, marriage and toddler have thrown me for a loop.  Don't get me wrong, most days are oodles of fun and the days that aren't usually end of a splash of wine for a little self-medicating reward.

So what's changed?  Honestly, nothing.  And nothing is going to, unless I change.  So this is it, a pledge to myself to make it happen.  We'll call the last year a breath of air.  I needed one, or a few billion, and while that won't stop, neither will I.

The parties are planned, the cocktails have been thoroughly tested and recipes invented on whim.  Take it in people.  I'm just getting started . . .